Acupuncture near Me in Langley, BC: Relieving Your Pain with Traditional Medicine

For many people living in Langley, BC, acupuncture is becoming an increasingly popular choice for relieving pain and discomfort. Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Medicine  that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. It involves the insertion of thin needles into specific areas of the body to stimulate certain points known as "acupoints". The goal is to restore balance and health by restoring the flow of qi (energy).

At Belmont Physiotherapy our team specializes in a wide range of  treatments including acupuncture. Our registered acupuncturists are skilled professionals who have completed rigorous training and gained expertise in treating various conditions using this ancient practice. 

How Can Acupuncture Help Me?

Acupuncture can be used to effectively treat a variety of medical conditions including headaches, musculoskeletal pain such as back or neck pain, arthritis, sports injuries, digestive disorders and stress-related ailments such as anxiety or depression. Additionally, it may help promote relaxation and overall well-being, which can improve sleep quality and energy levels throughout the day.

Benefits Of Acupuncture Treatment At Belmont Physiotherapy:

  • Non-invasive & Safe – Acupuncture near me in Langley, BC is non-invasive and safe with no side effects reported from its use when administered by our trained professionals.
  • Effective Relief – Our team has seen great success rate in providing effective relief from various types of chronic pain quickly without the need for medications or surgery with acupuncture treatments alone.
  • Personalized Treatments – We understand that everyone’s needs are unique which is why we always take time to evaluate each individual patient before creating personalized treatment plans that best suit their specific needs or condition(s).
  • Holistic Approach: In addition to providing acupuncture treatments, we also offer other services such as massage therapy, chiropractic care, and physiotherapy, which all work together synergistically to provide patients with long-lasting results, not only physically but mentally and emotionally too!

What Should I Expect During An Acupuncture Session?

At Belmont Physiotherapy, we use only sterile, single-use needles, so you can be sure your session will be safe and hygienic every time! Once you arrive for your appointment, one of our registered Acupuncture near me in Langley, BC, will begin by asking you questions about your medical history and any current symptoms you may be experiencing before proceeding with an examination using palpation (touching) technique on certain parts of your body such as your head, neck,  arms, etc. From there, they will select appropriate acupoints along meridians that correspond to those areas or symptoms identified during the evaluation phase, then gently insert needles into those locations until desired depth has been achieved. Depending on severity, some patients may require more than one session per week, while others only need monthly maintenance appointments once all symptoms have been successfully resolved! After the insertion process is complete, the practitioner typically leaves the room to allow the healing energies to work their magic while returning periodically to check needle placement midway through the session if necessary before removing them at the end time when the patient has reached the desired level of comfort/relaxation. 


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