Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture is a practice that has its origins in ancient China. For Chinese practitioners of the past and many practitioners today, the healing properties of Acupuncture are based on the spiritual and the belief in the balance of energy flow within and out of the body. Illness will develop if there is an imbalance between the energy that surrounds your body and that inside you. Acupuncture needles can puncture specific points to let or assist in your energy flows. Once energy is flowing smoothly and in harmony, health will be restored. The Elements find harmony and balance through the various needle points or Acupuncture points.

Acupuncture is currently used by more than 12 million for treatment for pain relief as well as to treat various ailments and illnesses. Certain practitioners and their followers believe in balancing energies or in the religious basis of Acupuncture. Yet, Western doctors have been capable of providing a Western medical explanation of how the treatment performs. Doctors have explained that the various Acupuncture points, also known as meridians, stimulate nerves or nerve endings within the region. The stimulation is then sent to the brain and performs its work of healing the body.


If you are a believer in the spiritual explanation or Western medicine theory, it is a fact that Acupuncture has been accepted as an effective treatment. It is among the top sought-after and well-known types of alternative therapies.


What can you apply the acupuncture treatment on? What happens in an acupuncture session?

In an Acupuncture Therapy near me in Langley, BC, the doctor places needles in the vicinity of the location directly in the site from which the illness or injury originates. Sometimes the needles are positioned in the same areas or points on the body. Most often, it is the case that a variety of points are used to treat an individual problem. If the practitioner is traditional or orthodox, they might also recommend an herbal or dietary supplement to complement the acupuncture treatments.

As there are more than 2000 pressure points in the body, Acupuncture can help with a wide range of common and severe ailments. For instance, joint pain, back pain, menstrual cramps, and many more body-related ailments can be treated with the use of Acupuncture. The common ailments are said to be relieved after several consecutive sessions, which are followed by regular maintenance sessions that are less frequent. Other conditions, such as hypertension, as well as temporary paralysis and diabetes, can be treated using Acupuncture. However, the number of sessions and duration for each session will be contingent on the history of the patient's medical condition and the extent of the issue.

If you decide to resort to Acupuncture to treat specific ailments, ensure that you work with an accredited practitioner. Be attentive to your acupuncturist when they place the needles at those pressure points. Sterilized needles are packaged in separate containers, each protected by plastic. If the needles didn't appear this way, improper sterilization procedures could have been employed, which could have caused the possibility of infection. Also, consult your physician about which side effects to be prepared for when treating your illness. The body may be weaker or have more pain in the area after the needle has been in place, which could be a possible consequence of Acupuncture.

You will also find here Acupuncture For Neck Pain in Langley, BC.


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